Frequently Asked Questions

What documentation is provided with ReStore?

The ReStore Developer's Manual is available on-line here. Additionally, ReStore comes with commented source code for a full example application - Entertainment Shop, a CD/DVD/Video ordering system, allowing for the creation and maintenance of stock items and customers, and the placing of orders

Entertainment Shop demonstrates all the core features of ReStore, including querying, transactions and multi-user conflict resolution. 


Is ReStore compatible with Dolphin's MVP Framework?

Yes. ReStore is minimally intrusive to standard Dolphin code, and the Entertainment Shop example application makes full use of the MVP framework. Additionally, ReStore includes a powerful (and compatible) new subclass of Dialog - TransactionalDialog - which provides full Apply/Revert/OK/Cancel functionality using ReStore's transaction mechanism.

Additionally, all ReStore's MVP related classes are held in a separate package. This allows for efficient packaging of non-GUI applications.


How large are deployed ReStore applications?

Like regular Dolphin applications, applications developed with ReStore deploy to very compact executables. The full Entertainment Shop application, packaged as a single Dolphin 'To Go' executable, comes in at under 750k.


Which versions of Dolphin Smalltalk are suitable for use with ReStore?

ReStore is designed to work with Dolphin Smalltalk 5 (XP). Additionally, since ReStore uses the Database Connection features of Dolphin, you will need the 'Standard Edition' or above. 

If you are still using Dolphin version 4, we can also supply a compatible version of ReStore. 

Solutions Software is committed to keeping ReStore compatible with the latest version of Dolphin Smalltalk. We are also actively considering porting ReStore to other Smalltalk dialects.

How do I order ReStore?

ReStore is distributed through and can be ordered here. A single-user licence is currently available at the introductory price of USD149.95 (+17.5% VAT for EU customers); for quantity licences of 4 or above, please contact us for special discounts.


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